Focus / Refocus
Glass Pictures / Raging Stallion Studios,
Tony DiMarco
Dan Rhodes
Cole Streets,
David Taylor,
Steve Cruz,
Bruno Bond,
Ryan Raz,
Ricky Sinz
77 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online, March 2010

Over the years, I've
dismissed more than a few movies as being nothing more than "porn with
a plot." There's a new emerging genre in queer cinema that fits this description
but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, guilty pleasures come
in many flavors and sometimes one just wants to be entertained without
having to think. Focus / Refocus
(2009) is a rather ambitious porn film from Raging Stallion Studios that
is also a murder mystery. The naughtier bits have been removed for a (heavily)
edited "retail version" and this DVD from Breaking Glass Pictures is the
subject of my latest installment
a rule, I don't watch many porn videos and thus I usually have no problems
with gratuitous nudity and sex scenes in queer films. The night I watched
Focus / Refocus, I just wanted
to turn my brain off and this disc was just the ticket. Let me say first
that, while it's hardly Hitchcock
or Polanski, Focus / Refocus is
actually a passable thriller. Yes, parts of it are cheesy but the bulk of
it is stylishly, and professionally, filmed and scored. Porn films that
do feature a plot have actually come a long way from the goofy 70s
skin flicks parodied in Boogie Nights. This one evokes a modern noir
atmosphere that can be enjoyed along with all the abundant beefcake. |
film opens with a framing story in which we meet our hero, Joe (Cole Streets).
He is a hot, rugged, twenty-something sex addict. He has been arrested and
he sits across the table from an older cop - think actor J.K.
Simmons' twin - who keeps blowing cigarette smoke in his face. As far
as interrogation room scenes go, it's not up there with Law & Order
but it's better than Dragnet. It seems that Joe has been implicated
in a series of murders and, faced with a hostile cop, he begins to tell
his story. |
a Christmas party, Joe meets a handsome young man named Eddie (David Taylor).
For the next ten minutes or so, we're actually treated to a cute courtship
between the two hunks that is better executed than similar expository
scenes in some independent movies I've screened. Then the plot clicks
into gear. Our boys are having hot sex and Joe says he wants to film it.
Eddie agrees as long as Joe promises that no one else will see the tape.
Eddie leaves to go to work (he works as a projectionist at a gay porn
theater) and Joe promptly posts the video on the internet.
is not happy when he discovers that their video is online and he refuses
Joe's request to film another one. And so Joe picks up a stranger
and films their clandestine sex. And posts it on the web too. Eddie
is furious. When he goes home to confront Joe, he finds his lover masturbating
to a video of his favorite porn star. Eddie blows his stack and angrily
tells Joe it's over. Joe is about to run after Eddie but is distracted when
his computer chimes and starts playing a porn video that was e-mailed to
him. It's a threeway sex scene and the same porn star, Dario Stefano (Steve
Cruz) is in it. Joe is clearly enslaved by his penis and watching Dario
doing it with two other men is obviously more important than salvaging his
relationship. |
else in the video is familiar too. The front page of a newspaper,
laying next to his computer, displays the face of a young gay man who
was found murdered and this same guy is in the video. Joe actually snaps
out of wanker mode for a few minutes to ponder this mystery. But before
he can think about it much, he is invited to shoot an orgy at some rich
gay man's house. Joe is stunned when Dario Stefano enters the room and
joins in the festivities. Afterwards, Joe runs after Dario and tells him
about the video. Dario is suddenly agitated. Turning cryptic and vague,
he tells Joe that no one was supposed to see that video and implies that
the amateur filmmaker's life is in danger.
Meanwhile, Joe doesn't
realize (yet) that he is being followed by a rugged, forty-ish Sam Spade
on testosterone (Bruno Bond) who is investigating the murder. When another
man in the video turns up dead, Joe crashes a porn shoot to warn Dario
that he might be next.
far as mysteries and thrillers go, this is hardly The Maltese Falcon
or Chinatown. But it's better than you would think and there's a
great, lurid pulp fiction feel to the proceedings. The director has obviously
seen The Third Man because a street chase is filmed entirely with
tilted camera angles. I don't see any of these guys starring in an Arthur
Miller play anytime soon but the acting is adequate. The music during the
sex scenes is unobtrusive and makes the bedroom gymnastics feel less like
porn. There aren't too many moments that induce groans and the dialogue
isn't confined to monosyllables and grunts. I've seen many mediocre queer
films over the years that were so unmemorable that you wished the
more intimate interludes were longer so there was at least some
reason to keep watching it. At the very least, Focus
/ Refocus delivers the goods on that score. |
original release was a five disc set and so there are hours of
hardcore sex scenes deleted for the retail version (which is only 77 minutes
long). The sex, that probably takes up at least a third of the running
length, is explicit by most feature film standards but stops way
before it crosses into hardcore. John Cameron Mitchell's Shortbus
was far more explicit, and so were Todd Verow's Anonymous
and Bulldog In The Whitehouse.
There is, however, a lot of hot kissing in the sex scenes and all of the
(mostly hairy) men are muscular hunks. Undoubtedly a fuck fest lasting
five minutes in this version lasted at least a half hour in the original.
I'm not giving away
the ending but the climax is interesting, even if it's a tad over the
top. And a little disturbing too - if you consider that it was probably
preceded by a long sex scene in the original version.
obvious at many turns that this was once a porn film but it is directed
with enough skill to be at least on par with a late night cable
thriller. Porn addicts like Joe exist and so the central theme is one worth
exploring. It might not be the most penetrating psychological study of a
sexual compulsive to ever hit the screen, but consider this. Many European
queer films have taken us on dark sexual odysseys for decades. Look at Last
Tango In Paris or In The Realm Of The Senses. American cinema
isn't even close to catching up. There's a niche for films like this out
there and even a cinema dweeb like me can only overdose on Fellini or
Fassbinder for so long before his brain needs a rest. I wasn't
looking for this to be Brokeback Mountain,
and Focus / Refocus is a fun
guilty pleasure. |